February 21 - February 27 2026
@ Muziekcentrum Enschede
Enschede, The Netherlands


The International Piano Competition for Young Musicians divides all participants into 2 groups, named Group A and Group B.

Repertoire requirements vary for each group.

AGroup A

Participants from 10 up to and including 15 years old.

BGroup B

Participants from 16 up to and including 20 years old.

Preliminary rounds

There is a preliminary round based on the applicant’s recordings — unedited DVDs or video web-links (YouTube). The preliminary judging will determine wh may take part in the competition.

An unedited recording must contain only solo piano works and may contain pieces to be performed during the competition. The recording for the preliminary round in the group A (10-15 minutes) should contain the following works:

  • One virtuoso study
  • One movement from classical sonata
  • Work of applicant’s free choice


There are two rounds in this group. The whole repertoire must be played by memory. 

First round

The allowed performance duration is 10-15 minutes.

  • One polyphonic work at the participant’s discretion;
  • One virtuoso study by Czerny, Clementi, Chopin or Liszt;
  • A composition at the participant’s discretion;

No more than 9 participants will be admitted to the final round.

Final round

The maximum performance duration is 20 minutes.

  • A sonata (or one movement) by Haydn, Mozart or Beethoven;
  • One or more modern compositions (after 1945) at the participant’s discretion (the participants have to hand in 3 copies of the modern piece at the registration);
  • One or more works at participant’s discretion;

The program should be well-balanced between virtuoso and cantilena music.

Check out also

Info about the competition

Past participants
Participants from previous years
How to apply
How to apply for participation
Get in touch if you have questions