Competition 2024

The International Piano Competition for Young Musicians is held every 2 years in Enschede. This event is unique and is the only one International Piano competition for young pianists in the Netherlands.

Participation is open to pianists between the ages of 10 and 20. Beside the intrinsic value of the competition it has an outstanding educational function to advance the professional development of the young pianists.

The International Piano Festival, held in the years, between competitions, organizes workshops and masterclasses, given by prominent pianists and teachers. The Competition makes it possible for its Prize winners to play solo recitals in the Netherlands and perform with an orchestra.

Another special feature of the Competition is the opportunity for participants to stay with host families in and near Enschede. During the Competition a friendly and hospitable reception helps to create a warm atmosphere that serves a balance to the big program.

The Competition will be broadcasted live on the internet (web casting) Members of the Dutch and German press will be present during the Competition, CD recordings are available during the Competition.

Competition is over
Competition is finished and prizes has been awarded.
See you next time!
Check out the full results to see this year’s winners!

The first prize winners

The first prize winners of the International Piano Competition for Young Musicians are:

  • Giorgio Trione Bartoli, Italy
  • Davit Khrikuli, Georgia
  • Ann Gogava, Georgia
  • Tomasz Ritter, Poland
  • Gunel Mirzaeva, Azerbaijan
  • Nino Kupreishvili, Georgia
  • Alexey Sychev, Russia
  • Yu Shuang, China
  • Dmytro Onyshchenko, Ukraine
  • Philipp Kopachevskiy, Russia
  • Eduard Kunz, Russia
  • Ji-Hye Kim, South Korea
  • Siyuan Wang, China
  • Christiaan Kuyvenhoven, The Netherlands
  • Shuan Hern Lee, Australia
  • Alexandra Kaptein, The Netherlands
  • Ivan Krpan, Croatia
  • Susanna Braun, Swiss
  • Rio Ueyama, Japan
  • Shan Liu, New Zeeland
  • Simon Haje, Germany

Renowned jury members

Since 2001, a great number of world famous musicians and teachers have been members of the International Jury, including:

  • Diane Andersen, Belgium
  • Rolf-Dieter Arens, Germany
  • Andrea Bonatta, Italy
  • Ruben Dalibaltayan, Croata
  • Elza Kolodin, Germany
  • Grzegorz Kurzynski, Poland
  • Alla Halapsis, Greece †
  • Elena Nogaeva, Germany
  • Tori Stodle, Norway †
  • Sytze Smit, The Netherlands
  • Ying Wu, China
  • Anatoly Zatin, Mexico
  • Paola Bruni, Italy †
  • Dorian Leljak, Serbia/Croatia
  • Youli Galperin, France †
  • Paul Pollei, U.S.A. †
  • Peter Waas, Germany
  • Irina Berkovich, Israel
  • Mi Kyung Kim, Republic of Korea
  • Yuko Ninomiya, Japan
  • Norma Fisher, U.K.
  • Mikhail Khokhlov, Russia
  • Uta Weyand, Germany
  • Justas Dvarionas, Lithuania
  • Igor Roma, Italy
  • Tori Stødle, Norway †
  • Xin Wang, China/Germany
  • Ilja Scheps, Germany
  • Paolo Baglieri, Italy
  • Krijn Koetsveld, The Netherlands
  • Michael Keller, Germany
  • Namik Sultanov,Turkey
  • Balasz Szokolay, Hungary
  • Michail Markov, The Netherlands/Russia

Board of Ambassadors

Ir. R.W. Bleker- Mayor of Enschede

Ronald Brautigam – Pianist

G. O. Veldhuizen – Former Mayor of Enschede

Derk Sauer – Publisher

Rodion Shchedrin – Composer / Pianist

Mrs. Mr. Winnie Sorgdrager – Member of the Council of State

Markus Lewe – Mayor of the City of Münster

Prof. Dr. W.H.M. Zijm – Former Rector Magnificus, University of Twente



Michail Markov, Chairman / Voorzitter

Willem Pieters, Secretary / Secretaris

Kees Traas, Treasurer / Penningmeester

Coordinator  / Production support   

Corrie Kuyvenhoven- van Dijk  +31 6 1219 8081

Andrej Markov                            +31 6 2240 1002


Matthijs Wanrooij


Andrey Nesterenko

International Piano Competition for Young Musicians

Gronausestraat 142

7533 BR Enschede

The Netherlands

Telephone: +31 53 43 44 540



Bank: NL06 RABO 0155157558  Rabobank Enschede- Haaksbergen

ANBI -status documents :

Resultatenrekening 2022
Beleidsplan IPC 2024

Standaardformulier publicatieplicht